Mond Op

The Radio for All Voices
Radio ARA is the independent, alternative radio station of Luxembourg. Many citizens and associations participate in the programm. The programm is characterized by the following aspects: – original: always something new to discover – special: the combination of different styles – multiculti: different voices and languages, music from here and from far away. The cultural programs of Mond op asbl on Radio ARA are supported by the Ministry of Culture. Mond Op asbl adheres to the deontological charta of the Ministry of Culture.
De Radio fir All Stëmmen
Radio ARA ass den onoofhängegen, alternative Radio zu Lëtzebuerg. Bierger*innen an Associatiounen kreéieren de Programm. Charakteristesch fir de Programm sinn seng Originalitéit, d’Kombinatioun vu verschiddenen Genren an déi ënnerschiddlech Stëmmen, Sproochen an déi lokal a global Musék. De Kulturministère ënnerstëtzt déi kulturell Programmer vu Mond op asbl op Radio ARA. Mond op asbl bekennt sech zur deontologescher Charta vum Kulturministère.