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Radio ARA


Radio ARA is the independent, non-commercial Radio Station of Luxembourg.

Active since 1992, Radio ARA is the oldest Community Radio in the country

and has always been identified as an alternative in the Luxembourgish media landscape.

The program of Radio ARA is as colourful and diverse

as the opinions, culture and music of the people living in the Grand Duchy.

The Radio For All Voices



Profile Info

About this Host

I am a practicing architect.
As I have worked in the field of architecture for number of years, I have gained a deep understanding and passion for the subject.
As a lecturer, I have successfully taught history of architecture, theory and practical courses, providing students with a comprehensive understanding of the evolution and significance of architectural movements and styles throughout history.
I have a strong ability to bridge the gap between academic theory and professional practice, that obviously helps to introduce the subject in a professional way.
Nowadays, I believe, the educational experience, balanced and understandable for all categories of listeners is very much in demand by modern society.