The BAM!-Podcast is about bilingual and more. A space to share bilingual and multilingual experiences. By Monyck
The BAM!-Podcast is about bilingual and more. A space to share bilingual and multilingual experiences. By Monyck
Merrin is a Master Student in the multi-learn-program. She talks to you about music and its relationship to health and well-being.
The polimist podcast is not afraid to antagonise the old academics for longing for the golden age of capitalism at the cost of all our futures.
The word, and not world, traveller bee podcast talks about their stories and the people they came in contact with.
Marcela wants to address a sensitive topic in her podcast: The delights and pains of being a woman.
Saskia and Milena are doing a podcast about “nothing at all”. Let’s see what happens.
Alina is going to talk about energy. Where energy comes from? How it influence our productivity? And how to increase your energy level?
Jo a Lena stellen sech fir den Ofschloss vum Joer ee puer Froen. Zem Beispill “Wat war di gréisst kierperlech Challenge dëst Joer?”
Karolina has been looking into how Christmas is celebrated around the world. This podcast episode is in Spanish.
Haut interviewt Chantal d’Jaki di mat aneren vum Minetdaepp den Brettspill-Café opgemaach huet.
Talk on: Chats about work, student life and so on. Today’s topic: working and studying at the same time as a full student and a full worker.
“The Mask of the Red Death” with Maria Binica Tuesday 28 February at 16:00
„Elements of AI – Léiert d’kënschtlech Intelligenz kennen a verstoen Hautdesdags fënnt een ëmmer méi kënschtlech Intelligenz an eisem Alldag. Siichtbar oder net, si ass do a gëtt vun eis all zum Deel onbewosst mat genotzt. Elements of AI ass e gratis Online-Cours, dee jiddferengem d’Méiglechkeet gëtt ze verstoen wat kënschtlech Intelligenz ass, wéi se entsteet, wéi se funktionéiert a virun allem wat se kann a wat net! Léiert och dir d’KI kennen a verstoen: schreiftiech elo an op“