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An eiser 15ter (!!!) Episode beschäftege mer eis mam Thema Utopie. Wie géing die perfekte Welt eigentlech fir eis ausgesinn? Sinn utopesch Zieler wierklech sou onrealistesch wéi ëmmer gesot gëtt? A Liewe mir net grad iergendwéi an der Dystopie? Stay tuned!
Instagram: @lauschtermol
Email: lauschtermol@gmail.com
Musek: Poems For The Future by Menteroja & Johnik Feat. Rogue Venom
Lies mol!
- On Fire | Naomi Klein
- http://www.utopiaanddystopia.com
Kuck mol!
- “Trope Talk: Dystopias (with special guest Hello Future Me!!)” vun Overly Sarcastic Productions (Youtube)
- “Aufstieg und Fall des Kommunismus” um Kanal langweilige Dokus (10 Episoden ob Youtube)
Lauschter mol!
- “Maoism, Black Nationalism, The US Left, and Our Scorching Future” vum Revolutionary Left Radio (Podcast)
- “Darf sie das?” vum Nicole Schöndorfer (Podcast, Episoden 108 an 109)
E puer Utopien/Dystopien, die ee mol sou gelies oder gesinn kéint hunn
- The Time Machine | H.G. Wells
- Watchmen | Alan Moore & Dave Gibbons | graphic novel + Film Adaptation
- The Hunger Games | Suzanne Collins | Buch + Film Adaptation
- Divergent | Veronica Roth | Buch + Film Adaptation
- 1984 | George Orwell
- Brave New World | Aldous Huxley
- Fahrenheit 451 | Ray Bradbury
- Player Piano | Kurt Vonnegut
- Lord of the Flies | William Golding
- A Clockwork Orange | Anthony Burgess | Buch + Film Adaptation
- Nova Express | William S. Burroughs
- Neuromancer | William Gibson
- Never Let Me Go | Kazuo Ishiguro
- The Maze Runner | James Dashner | Buch + Film Adaptation
- The Handmaid’s Tale | Margaret Atwood | Buch + Serien Adaptation
- The Giver | Lois Lowry | book + film adaptation (Utopia turned Dystopia)
- A Psalm for the Wild-Build | Becky Chambers (Utopia)
- Dr. Strangelove | director: Stanley Kubrick | Film adaptéiert vum Peter George sengem Buch “Red Alert”
- Mr. Robot | Serie
- Elysium | Film
- Snowpiercer | Serie baséierend ob der BD vum Jacques Lob
- The Good Place | Serie
- Matrix | Film-Trilogie
- WALL-E | Film
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